2011年11月8日 星期二

CBS Primetime Training-Michael Weatherly PhotoShoot

這系列照片是去年夏天拍的 囧> 據說原本要當CBS家Watch!雜誌的封面,但不知道為啥拖到現在然後面成在CBS網站發佈。
不過怎樣,這組照片MW真的是帥不拉嘰的,雖然身材有點寬 (毆)

CBS Prime Time Training!

Every summer the stars of CBS are put through rigorous “Star Training” which includes sleep deprivation, 2 triathlons, kayaking, hand to hand combat, and snake wrangling. We also learn to stand on one foot with our eyes closed and get our own food. And we go to the bathroom by ourselves. In this picture, I’m learning to read a topographic map.

Day 9

Evel Knievel Motorcycle Training.

Day 9

Day 9: Here I am in the opening stance of the intricate “Fertility Dance.”

Day 12

Day 12: Learning the 4-quadrant patented CBS “Swagger” pose.

Day 17

Day 17: After 48 hour Desert Therapy. Solo.

Day 22

Day 22: At the end of CBS Star Training, I have a 2-hour review with Deepak Chopra and Oprah. Than I am release in to the wide, under contract, with the glow of a CBS TV Star.

